If using real nappies full time you’ll need:
Reusable Nappies: 16-20
Having 16-20 reusable nappies will allow you to wash every other day (or every third day once baby is older). If you have quickdrying nappies, or are using a tumble dryer, you can get away with less (say 16), if you’d prefer to wash less often then go for a few more. If you’re buying for an older baby (1 year or more) you can generally get away with around 14 nappies, as you won’t need to change the baby so often. Remember that not everyone uses real nappies full time. Some will use them at home during the day, using disposables when out and about, and at night. If this is the case, clearly you'll need less. Please contact us if you wish to discuss.
Waterproof Wraps: 3-4 (for 2-part nappies only)
If you’re using 2-part nappies ((EasyPeasy, Tots Bots Stretch etc) you'll need 3-4 wraps. Remember you don’t need to change the wrap every time you change the nappy; you only change it if it gets soiled or if it becomes very wet. NB. You will not need seperate wraps for pocket nappies and all-in-one nappies such as Tots Bots Easyfit star, Pop-In and BumGenius. Here the waterproof element is sewn into the nappy itself (making them very easy to put on - practically as easy to put on as a disposable nappy).
Additional Accessories
- Nappy liners
Nappy liners help removal of poo from the nappy a lot easier.
- A pack 100 flushable liners will last around 1 month (although if they’ve only been ‘wetted’ they can be rinsed, dried, and used again!)
- A pack of 20 washable (fleece) liners will last right through to potty training. Don’t forget that fleece liners are also excellent, when damp, for use as baby wipes.
- Nappy bucket
- Mesh Bag
Mesh bags are recommended for use in the nappy bucket. They are placed inside the bucket, and the nappies placed inside the bag. They allow for easier transfer of nappies from the bucket to the washing machine. Ideal if you’re ’dry pailing’.
- Waterproof bag
These waterproof bags are used when out and about for bringing home dirty nappies. They’re also ideal for use at nursery and weekends away. They come in a range of beautiful designs and several sizes so are perfect for storing anything from snacks and washable baby wipes, through to nappies and swim kit.
Real Nappy Kits
Not sure what you need? How many nappies? What accessories you need? Take a look at our reusable nappy kits - these contain everything you need all in one place.
TWINS in REAL NAPPIES - what will I need?
From experience, we have found that, as long as you are prepared to wash a little more often, you can get away with around 26-30 nappies (and around 6 wraps if necesary) for twins. If you need very small nappies to suit smaller twins take a look at Easy Peasy Bimbles and Tots Bots Teenyfit.
NEED ADVICE ON BUYING REAL NAPPIES FOR TWINS? We provide special offers for twins using reusable nappies so just get in touch.