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Antenatal classes and reusable nappies

It often amazes me how rarely real nappies are discussed at antenatal classes these days.

Now I genuinely don't want to have a go at midwives as I know they do a wonderful job, and I'm fully aware that cost cutting means that classes, particularly NHS classes, often don't have the time to go into any detail, but parents tell me again and again that there was absolutely no mention of real nappies in class and that, even if questions are asked, the midwives don't have the information at hand to give out.

Some classes are run by midwives with an interest in environmental issues (and a little more time) who are prepared to give out information and/or invite real nappy businesses to talk at their groups. Whenever I attend groups I'm amazed how few parents-to-be know anything about real nappies, assuming that real nappies consist of a terry square, pin, plastic, crackly pants and the need to soak and boil wash.

When parents are intoduced to the modern version of cloth: easy to use, easy to launder nappies in such amazing colours and designs, I hear over and again how suprised people are by them. Clearly real nappies aren't for everyone but it's wonderful to see the positive response once people understand what modern nappies are all about.

In a time where we're becoming more and more aware of reducing our impact of the world, cutting down on single-use items, limiting our babies exposure to chemicals (not to mention the cost savings) it would be great if we could increase parents awareness of this great alternative to disposables. Antenatal classes are the ideal opportunity.

If your antenatal teacher would like to know more about cloth nappies, even if it's just having a supply of leaflets to hand out, let us know and we'll get in contact.

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