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Drying nappies

How do I dry real nappies?

Reusable nappies can be dried either on the line, in a tumble drier, over an airer or in the airing cupboard.

Line drying: the cheapest and most environmentally friendly option is to dry cloth nappies on the line. This will maximise the life of your nappies, while the sunshine will deodorise, sanitise and naturally bleach them. Sunshine is amazing for removing any staining! If you do not have a tumble dryer (or want to minimise the use of one) it's worth considering quick-drying nappies such as BumGenus V5, Charlie Banana, FLIP nappies etc. During the winter months nappies can be dried in airing cupboards, on free-standing airers or airers that hang from radiators. It is not advisable to hang nappies directly on radiators as this can scorch and thus damage the fabric.

Tumble drying:  Some fabrics (bamboo, hemp and some cotton options) will require the use of a tumble dryer from time to time. Dry on a low-medium heat. Try to avoid drying nappies (especially bamboo nappies) on a high heat as it can alter the texture of the fabric. Always tumble dry according to manufacturer instructions. Waterproof wraps (and nappies with a built-in waterproof layer) should not be put in a tumble dryer as this can damage the waterproofing.

Always ensure that nappies are thoroughly dry before being stored away.
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