Friendly, independent advice with 20 years of real nappy experience

Little Lamb BAMBOO nappy

Product image 1Little Lamb BAMBOO nappy
Product image 2Little Lamb BAMBOO nappy

Regular price £12.99 Sale price

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Quick Guide: Little Lamb Bamboo

Our opinion: Lovely well fitting, absorbent nappies. Great as night-time nappies. Very slow drying so a tumble drier is almost essential.
Drying time: Very slow
Absorbency: Very good
Slimness: Slimmest of the Little Lamb fabrics
Popularity: Popular despite drying issues.
Weight range:
  • Newborn: up to 12lbs
  • Size 1: 7-20lbs,
  • Size 2: 20-38lbs
  • Size 3: 35lbs +
Approx Age range:
  • Newborn: preterm / tiny baby
  • Size 1: birth to approx 6-8 months,
  • Size 2: approx 6-8 months through to potty training
  • Size 3: for larger babies approaching potty training. Also ideal for babies still wet at night even when potty trained during the day.
You’ll also need: Waterproof wrap, Nappy liners,


These are lovely slim, absorbent nappies. They are popular as night time nappies due to their absorbency. They are also ideal for those heavy wetters out there.

Bamboo is a very soft fabric - ideal for those suffering from rough towelling nappies in hard water areas.

Each nappy comes with bamboo booster. The booster is loose in the size 1 (to allow you to remove it in order to get a slimmer nappy on a newborn) and is sewn into the size 2. The nappies also come with a washable fleece liner. Fastened with velcro or the new Nappi Nippa version (Nappi Nippas to be bought separately).

Use with a separate waterproof wrap such as the Motherease Airflow.

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