Friendly, independent advice with 20 years of real nappy experience

Motherease Fabrics

Motherease use a number of different specialist fabrics across their range of Wizard Unos and Duos so I thought it would be useful to give a quick summery of the differences between them.

All their fabrics move wetness quickly, in order to obtain the highest absorbency, and release solids, making them easy to launder. You will not find these fabrics on a shelf at your local fabric store. All their fabrics go through intensive testing before use, ensuring that their products are made with only the softest, most effective materials.

All fabrics are custom knit specially for Mother-ease and allow them to manufacture cloth nappies that do not require multiple washes to 'prep' them to become absorbent before you use them!

1. Stay-dry (100% polyester)

Stay-dry is high-tech fabric specially knit to quickly wick away wetness. It is very effective leaving baby's skin dry to the touch. This lightweight, 100% polyester fabric helps prevent nappy rash, reduces chance of staining and rinses easily. A great option unless you're keen to use a more natural option.


Motherease staydry fabric

2. Unbleached cotton terry (82% unbleached cotton / 18% polyester)

Natural Cotton Terry is specially knit with only cotton touching your baby's delicate skin. Polyester is knit into the base of the fabric (see final image below) to provide strength, durability, and shrinkage control. The polyester core is simply there to lengthen the lifespan of the natural cotton fabric.

The result is a very stretchy, comfortable and reliable product.

*available in it's natural unbleached finish*

Motherease unbleached cotton fabric

3. Organic cotton terry (82% organic cotton / 18% polyester)

Motherease Organic Cotton Terry is knit with 100% organic cotton touching your baby's delicate skin. The organic cotton meets Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS). Polyester is knit into the base of the fabric (see fial image below) to provide strength, durability and shrinkage control. This polyester core lengthens the lifespan of the organic cotton fabric immensely.

Ring spun, combed cotton yarn ensures a top quality grade of cotton.

*available in it's natural unbleached finish*

 Motherease organic cotton

Polyester Core Explained

As you can see in the image below, polyester makes up the netted base of the fabric that the organic (or natural) cotton is woven through. You cannot see or feel this polyester core, it is just there to ensure your diapers last as long as you need them to.

Polyester in motherease cotton nappies

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