Friendly, independent advice with 20 years of real nappy experience

Lizzie's Blog

Real Nappies at Nursery

Nurseries are generally fine with cloth nappies, but tend to prefer the easier to use options.

Off on holiday? Do you take real nappies?

How practical is it to take real nappies on holiday with you?

Washing cloth nappies

Gone are the days of soaking and boil washing. Real nappies are easier than you might imagine...

Antenatal classes and reusable nappies

We need to get the word out that real nappies no longer consist of a square, a pin and soaking...

FATBERGS - let's not add to the problem!

Washable baby wipes, resuable sanitary products etc can help limit the waste thrown down our toilets.

Washable wipes - a no-brainer!

If you're already using cloth nappies, using washable baby wipes is, in our opinion, a complete no-brainer!

FREE independent advice on real nappies

Need some help choosing cloth nappies. Get in touch.

Real nappy week 2018

See our Real Nappy Week disounts for 2018 here. We have offers of up to 20% off: BumGenius Tots Bots Charlie Banana...

Different nappy types

Confused by 'pocket nappies', 'all-in-one nappies', '2-part nappies' etc. Let us explain...

Smelly nappies?

Occasionally (often during teething) your nappies may get smelly. Here's what to do...

Using cloth at night

Some babies, especially older babies, will need additional absorbency to get through the night.

Washable Menstrual Pads and Panty Liners

Sounds at bit odd? Washable sanitary pads are used just like diposable pads, except that you wash them....
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